We had a sick branch party on Friday. It was a beach party and BBQ lol so awesome!!! There was probably about 20-25 people there so that was good. We had 3 nonmembers, and 4-5 less actives!! It was soo fun we ate loads of food. Funny story about the Branch President's wife, Sister Martin who is basically my mother away from home. We were eating and she was like now Elder Weston, lol she calls me that, I expect you to eat five burgers or hot dogs. So #1 one normal burger, #2 a hot dog with 2 hot dogs, #3 2 chicken breasts and a sausage on a burger bun, #4 3 saugages on a hot dog bun, #5 3 sausages on a burger bun. lol I was so full and I would always ask for drink and she would pour me half a glass and say that's all for now and you can have more when you finish your food lol! She is awesome. We played Cricket at the activity that was way fun!
There was a baptism in New Castle Emlyn on Saturday and we were able to get our investigator to that and she really enjoyed it!
Its E. Lyman's B-Day today--Happy 20! We are going to this lookout point with the man Bro. Dickie and then we are headed over to the Martins for a b-day bbq and party -- it will be a fun day!
Seminary is so different over here. There are three students lol and they have it every Thursday and what they do is answer questions out of a study guide and read the scriptures on their own and then on Thursday the teacher checks to see if they did their assignment. Also it is a requirement, for them to pass, that they have to memorise all the 100 scripture masteries!! It is sooo much harder over here, I wouldn't pass. I was blessed to have it where I did. The youth in Britain are soo strong! They are fighting this battle nearly alone as they most likely are the only member of the church in their whole school. They are courageous and strong I'm well impressed.
Things are going well. The Lord doesn't ask us to be perfect in this life because if that was the requirement we would all fail. We have to do all we can and do our best at it and the Lord will take care of the rest. It is so much better when you humble yourself than when the Lord does it for you.
One thing I've learned is this marathon we're running, everyone runs it at a different pace, but it's not a race as long as we keep moving forward--that's the important bit.
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